At The Federation of Longhorsley and Whalton C of E Schools, we believe that learning about music, having the opportunity to play musical instruments and to make music together, is a vital part of a rich and rounded education.
In the Early Years, children embark on a melodic journey exploring various musical instruments and sounds, laying the groundwork for their musical endeavours.
We teach music following the National Curriculum across Key Stages 1 and 2, through the Model Music Curriculum, which outlines the fundamental musical skills children should acquire during their lessons. We use the music scheme Charanga to provide structured opportunities for musical exploration and expression across all year groups, encouraging students to develop their musical abilities in singing, playing instruments, composing, and listening. Furthermore, students engage in the study of musical theory and notation, learning to read and interpret musical scores, understand rhythm and melody, and explore the principles of harmony and composition. We also have links with Music Partnership North, who support and enhance music education for children, providing instrumental teaching and other music support activities.
Music can also help us in our spiritual growth. We use music as a means to inspire and promote Christian worship, both within our school worship and in our church services, which – as Church schools – are an important part of the life of our schools.
The Commando Joe, RESPECT curriculum identifies many character traits that pupils learn and develop when engaging in musical activities. Whether singing, listening or playing, we aim to inspire children to develop a love and a passion for music, as well as their talents as musicians. Through the study of music, we aim to increase their self-confidence, creativity and sense of achievement; and they will learn resilience and self-awareness. Whether playing in class, singing in worship or joining in school performances, children will need to develop communication skills and learn to work together as a team. These opportunities give all pupils across the year groups, opportunities to perform in challenging yet supportive environments; opportunities to show excellence.
For some, music will be the foundation of a career in one of the country’s most important and globally-recognised industries. For others, it will provide experiences and skills which develop their creativity. For many, music will simply be a source of joy, comfort and companionship throughout their lives.
Click here to see our curriculum overviews for music.
Music Tuition
Music Partnership North – Peripatetic Tuition
Pupils are offered the opportunity to take up instrumental tuition, with group or individual lessons. These lessons take place during the school day. Please contact the school office to learn which instruments are available and the cost of lessons. Advice on hiring or purchasing an instrument can also be arranged through Music Partnership North. Further information about this is available on the website at
If you require any further guidance on the work of Music Partnership North please contact their office on 01670 624045.