The Federation of Longhorsley and Whalton C of E First Schools.
Longhorsley First and Whalton Primary Schools became a Confederation in September 2006 when a shared Headteacher was appointed to enable both Church of England First Schools to have a non-class based Headteacher to secure the strategic Christian vision of both schools.
This successful partnership has evolved and strengthened in to something quite special. It has enabled staff in both of these small, rural schools to work together and plan exciting, innovative curriculum projects. The children are able to widen their friendship groups and enhance their school experience by working together and living out our core values for life.
Both schools are fortunate to have a forward thinking, pro-active governing body who appreciate the benefits of working together. The two separate governing bodies became a Hard Federation in the Autumn of 2009 with The Federation of Longhorsley and Whalton Schools becoming established on 1st January 2010 with one joint Governing Body.
They work positively together to support, challenge and develop both schools in the Federation.
The Federation strengthens both schools, even with Whalton’s change to becoming a primary school in 2017. They continue to develop their strong and successful approach of always working in partnership with others for the benefit of both schools and communities.
Curriculum Planning is consistent across the Federation. The children in both schools work on the same topics at the same time and meet up for special events/themed days/activity days.
New Alliances:
Both schools have just formed an alliance with four other first schools and one primary school in Northumberland, known as the Font Alliance. The Alliance provides for closer working with other similar schools, collaboratively sharing ideas and resources along with Northumberland County Council.
The schools involved are:
Cambo First School, Longhorsley C of E First School, Morpeth First School, Ponteland Community Primary School, Rothbury First School, Tritlington First School and Whalton C of E Primary School.
Extract from National Society Statutory Inspection of Anglican Schools Report:
‘A key achievement of the last six years has been the establishment of a hard federation with Whalton First School. This process, which has been carefully and creatively managed, is now bearing fruit: a single, effectively structured Governing Body; joint policies; flexible staff deployment; the enriching of each school community with some of the strengths of the other; now eagerly anticipated occasional federation worship.’
To visit Whalton Primary School’s website, follow this link.