School Council, Buddies, Eco-Warriors & R.E Ambassadors

School Council

Our School Councillors are voted for by their peers in Class 1, 2 and 3.. The elections are held termly and are accompanied with a lesson on democracy and the importance of having a voice. Our Councillors’ photographs are proudly displayed in the school hall.

They get to make important decisions on things that affect the children in our school, such as playground equipment, classroom resources and the all important Marble Treats!


Each Class has an Eco-Warrior who takes a particular interest in helping their peers stay healthy and looking after our environment.  Mrs Robinson has an Eco Schools Council and they have special meetings and actions to complete throughout the year to help develop everyone’s awareness of looking after our world.


Buddies are voted in from each class. Their main job is to check to see who’s sitting on the Buddy Bench and may need cheering up, or might want to be involved in a game. New Buddies are chosen each term.

R.E Ambassadors

Every year we appoint 2 new RE Ambassadors for the school.  Children are given an application form should they wish to gain this role.  The 2 successful candidates are presented with the role and the rest of the children who applied can choose whether they would like to be a committee member.  Their responsibilities include meetings each half term to discuss events throughout the year, in church and for our chosen charities. They also have the opportunity to meet Reverend Audrey to reflect on each half terms events in the Christian Calendar.

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